Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Little Man is SO Smart!

Ethan and I went to our new Babies R Us store last week to check it out. We ended up playing with all the toys in the toy section. The one toy he couldn't get enough of was Elmo Live! This Elmo sang and blew kisses. Ethan loved him! Well today Ethan and I went back there to return something. The second we walked into the store he started saying "mymo" = Elmo. I was looking around and didn't see any photos of Elmo anywhere. I brushed it off and went to the clothing section to look around. He kept saying "mymo mymo" so I set him down to see if he would show me what he was talking about. Well he walked all the way across the store to the toy section right to where that Elmo Live was on the shelf. This was only our second time in that store! I was so impressed and busted out my camera to take pictures! Enjoy our smart little man!

He was so proud of himself!
Blowing Elmo kisses

1 comment:

Kim Givens said...

Why don't you buy it... it's only $60 :) J/K. Brennan loves it too. I show him it everytime we go to Walmart and Target.